This is a running newsfeed of everything we publish. Browse all content, or search for legal information, stories, and cases about specific topics.
- January 8, 2020
The 2020 Census is fast approaching! This year’s census will serve as America’s 24th decennial censu…
- January 8, 2020
The N&O touched on an urgent issue in “NC families struggle to find housing for adults with disabi…
- December 19, 2019
More inmates with mental health disabilities are being subjected to solitary confinement in North C…
- December 19, 2019
Our December newsletter includes information on the John Rittelmeyer Disability Education Fund, a…
- December 17, 2019
In 1997, in the landmark Leandro case, the North Carolina Supreme Court determined that the right to e…
- November 13, 2019
Disability Rights North Carolina (DRNC) is pleased to welcome our new Disability Law Fellow, Emily K…