This is a running newsfeed of everything we publish. Browse all content, or search for legal information, stories, and cases about specific topics.
- April 24, 2022
Published April 2022
Record number of suicides in NC jails: Drug-related deaths, inadequate access…
- April 4, 2022
Staff post
Cas Shearin
Media Strategist/Senior Writer
Barbara Lee was all sparkles at the New…
- March 24, 2022
Drug-related Deaths, Inadequate Access to Medical Care also Rise
March 24, 20…
- March 24, 2022
DRNC is excited to introduce our two newest law fellows, Jeremiah Clarke and Sarah Hoffman.
Sarah Hof…
- March 23, 2022
Can you imagine how a small group of excellent investigators could traverse the state of North Caroli…
- February 23, 2022
Learn about the Olmstead, how it relates to services for people with disabilities and how DRNC is addr…