Voter Roll Removal
- June 14, 2023
When a state or county conducts a process to systematically remove people from its list of registere…
When a state or county conducts a process to systematically remove people from its list of registere…
Take the Survey Disability Rights North Carolina (DRNC), NC’s protection and advocacy a…
People with disabilities may need assistance to vote. You might need to ask for help to vote either…
During each election, many people with disabilities have problems voting. We are working closely wit…
What is an Inactive Voter? An inactive voter is a voter who the county board of elections has not ha…
We are pleased to announce our Student Election Apprentice Project for high school students who ide…
Under Section 208 of the federal Voting Rights Act, voters with disabilities who need help voting ar…
Disability Rights NC Challenged Law Limiting Voting Access for Disabled Voters FOR IMMEDIATE…
People with disabilities have enormous voting power: one in four people eligible to vote has a disab…