Member Type: Team Member

Chris Hodgson

Chris has practiced law since 2015, starting as a Disability Law Fellow on the former CAT. Since the…

Curtis Hill

Curtis Hill joined DRNC in April 2019 as an advocate for the agency’s emergency management and disas…

Iris Peoples Green

Iris Peoples Green joined DRNC when it became the state’s Protection & Advocacy agency in 2007.

Lisa Grafstein

Lisa Grafstein joined DRNC in 2011 and served the agency with distinction as legal director 2014 – 2…

Lisa M. Gessler

Lisa Gessler joined DRNC in March 2019 as an attorney on DRNC’s community access team. In Marc…

Corye Dunn

Corye Dunn joined DRNC in 2011 as the agency’s director of public policy. Dunn, who was born and rai…

Barbara Daniels

Barbara Daniels joined DRNC in September 2018. Her work focuses on investigations involving Social S…

Katerin Castro

Katie Castro joined DRNC in July 2019 on the Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of the Repres…

Gabriella Bush

Gabby Bush joined the DRNC team in 2010 as its first outreach specialist. In that role she met thous…