DRNC Statement on Proposed Bill to Keep Institutionalized Kids Safe
- October 20, 2021
Children deserve to be safe and have an opportunity for a supportive childhood in their communities,…

NC Prison Mental Health Advocacy Coalition Applauds Study
- October 6, 2021
“Impact of a Prison Therapeutic Diversion Unit on Mental and Behavioral Health Outcomes” FOR IMMEDIA…

Vaccination Event Brings Community Together
- September 22, 2021
DRNC was in Stokes County this month for vaccination drives as part of Project ACCESS, DRNC’s initia…

Advocacy Through Litigation
- September 22, 2021
The pandemic hasn’t slowed the DRNC team’s work. In fact, the dangers presented by COVID-19 have int…

DRNC Staff Updates
- September 22, 2021
Welcome to Sarah Hoffman, Candace Speller and Ashleigh Swayze, three new staff members who joined th…

Project ACCESS
- September 7, 2021
Project ACCESS is DRNC’s statewide initiative to increase access to vaccines for people with d…

Back to School during COVID
- August 26, 2021
Learn what you can do to make back to school during COVID as safe and successful as possible. Topics…

NC Voting Rights Activist Represents Disabled Voters in DC
- August 26, 2021
NC voter rights activist, Dr. Ricky Scott, represented disabled voters in D.C. in an important conve…

Update on the Pandemic in NC
- August 26, 2021
In this update on the state of the COVID-19 pandemic in NC today, DRNC strongly encourages everyone…

Child welfare services must focus on families, not facilities
- August 24, 2021
Durham County Sued for Discrimination for Institutionalization of Toddler with Disability For Immedi…