Author: Jen Andrew

Educational Services Feedback Survey

Medicaid Matters

Medicaid isn’t just healthcare – it’s a lifeline for many North Carolinians with disabilities.…

Housing Programs for People with Disabilities

DRNC does not help people find housing or rental assistance, but if you are looking for housing assi…

Helene Recovery Updates

Stay up to date with several important updates about Tropical Storm Helene Recovery: FEMA has exten…

Accommodation Request Letter Generator

If you need a reasonable accommodation for you to get DSS services, send a written request to your c…

Advocacy Guide for Parents with Disabilities Navigating DSS/CPS Custody Challenges

Parents with disabilities often face unfair treatment from child welfare agencies, and their childre…

50 Years Strong-and Counting!

Did you know this year marks the 50th birthday of our nation’s Protection and Advocacy network (“t…