There are many reentry services and supports to help you or a loved one have a successful reentry after incarceration. Read on for a list of these resources.
Arise Collective Its mission is to equip women with the tools and support that they need to heal, grow, and thrive, both in prison and in the communities to which they return. They offer Chaplaincy Services (inside and outside of prison), Transition Education, and Reentry Support (housing, non-residential services/supports, transportation, case management, peer support).
Residential: Women’s Reentry Project (WRP) supports up to 16 women at a time.
Non-Residential Supports may include: Case management, Assistance obtaining clothes and hygiene items immediately upon release, Assistance obtaining food or food vouchers, Emergency financial assistance for living expenses, such as rent, utilities, fees, clothes, cell phone minutes, or hygiene items, Referrals to partners to meet other basic needs, Peer-based Support Groups, Referrals to Wheels4Hope, The Green Chair Project, and other service providers.
Information for local reentry councils and resources in Wake, Durham, Johnston, Craven, Cumberland, Vance, Guilford, Mecklenburg, and New Hanover counties.
Contact information:
Arise Collective
PO Box 25901
Raleigh, NC Phone: 919-829-0311
NC Formerly Incarcerated Transition Program (NC FIT)
The North Carolina Formerly Incarcerated Transition (NC FIT) Program, sponsored by UNC Family Medicine, connects formerly incarcerated individuals who have a chronic disease, mental illness and/or substance use disorder with essential health services and reentry resources. Community Health Workers (CHWs) with lived experience of incarceration, lead these efforts.
NC Guidebook for Incarcerated Veterans
(HCRV) Program is designed to address the community reentry needs of identified Veterans who
are incarcerated and within six months of release from state and federal correctional facilities.
HCRV Specialists assist Veterans by providing outreach, assessment, referral, and linkage to
services as they transition from incarceration to the community.
NC Guidebook for Incarcerated Veterans
The NC ID Project
A successful reentry starts with an ID. A state-issued ID Card can open up access to housing, benefits, jobs, and more. DRNC is helping people recently released from prison get an ID from DMV.
Reentry Resource Guide
Reentry Resource Guides | OurJourney (
A county by county guide that is printable for reentry services.
NC SOAR Works!
NC SOAR Works! offers free assistance to eligible adults who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to apply for SSI/SSDI disability benefits. SOAR caseworkers are specially trained to assist with the applications and have a high approval rate – 4 times higher than cases completed outside of SOAR. In North Carolina, the NC Coalition to End Homelessness administers the SOAR Program.
Find a SOAR trained caseworker.
RREPS (Recidivism Reduction Educational Programs Services, Inc.)
RREPS (Recidivism Reduction Educational Programs Services, Inc.) is offering a Recidivism Reduction Hotline 1-888-852-0004. The hotline allows people recently released from prison or jail and/or those seeking reentry information to request information about and set up warm referrals to:
- Employment
- Housing (all types including emergency housing)
- Healthcare (medical, mental health and substance use)
- Public benefits services
- Essential needs (food, transportation, etc.)
- Legal (legal services, resources around taxes and voting)
- Religious Services (any faith)
- Safety and Security (e.g., training on how to interact with police, etc.)
- Support Systems (e.g., family/parenting support, reentry, peer support, etc.)
Returning citizens, their loved ones, or staff/supporters will be connected with resources and services in RREPS database which has resources for all 100 counties in NC. Staff will follow-up to ensure your needs are met.
RREPS also offers a long-term mentoring program and a resource guide RREPS Resource Guide .
Contact information for all Local Reentry Councils