DRNC does not help people find housing or rental assistance, but if you are looking for housing assistance, you may wish to contact these resources.

Public Housing Authorities

Your local public housing authority may be able to provide you with rental assistance or other housing resources. Public Housing Authorities are in charge of administering rental assistance vouchers (such as Section 8 vouchers) and also renting public housing units. Many public housing authorities have waitlists for their public housing units or rental assistance programs, but many of these waitlists give preference to people with disabilities.

Local Management Entity/Managed Care Organization (LME/MCOs)

If you have a mental health disability, you may qualify for a housing program with your LME/MCO. There are six LME/MCOs based in geographic areas throughout the state. You can find your MCO and contact information here: NC DHHS: LME/MCO Directory. Each LME/MCO participates in the Transitions to Community Living Initiative, which provides housing assistance vouchers and additional supportive services to individuals with severe and persistent mental illness who are living in adult care homes and wish to move into their own housing, or are at risk of homelessness or institutionalization. For additional details regarding availability of housing assistance through the TCL vouchers, contact your local LME/MCO.

Alliance Health

Partners Health Management

Trillium Health Resources

Vaya Health

The Target and Key Program

Permanent Supportive Housing | NCDHHS

NCDHHS and the NC Housing Finance Agency collaborate to provide affordable housing to low-income persons with disabilities who need supportive services to live independently in their communities. Persons in the Targeting Program may also qualify for Key Rental Assistance. For more information about the Targeting Program, contact your Regional Housing Coordinator.

NC Housing Search

NCHousingSearch.org | North Carolina Apartments | North Carolina Rental Homes

If you’re looking for housing in NC, you can use this database to find available rental units. You can narrow your search by area, affordability, accessibility, and more.