Easy Read: After a Hurricane

Your Shelter and Housing Rights

If you have a disability, there are laws to protect you so that you can go to the same places and enjoy the same things as any other person. These laws protect you if you have to leave your home and go to a shelter. It is important to know that you have these rights so you can get what you need for your disability.

Your rights in a hotel or shelter

  • You must be able to go into the shelter and hotel and have what you need while you are there.
  • A shelter or hotel cannot refuse your service animal.
  • You do not need to have a driver’s license to stay at a hotel or You can use another ID.

The ADA is the name of the law that protects you when you need to stay in a shelter.

Your rights if your home is damaged by the hurricane

  • You can end your lease right away if damage from the storm makes it hard for you to return to or use your home.
  • If you get emergency housing from FEMA or a government agency you must be able to go inside and to use it. If you have problems using emergency housing because of your disability, the agency has to fix it for you.

The FHA is the law that protects you if your house is damaged by the storm.

This Hurricane Florence recovery project was funded in part by grants from the American Red Cross and the Center for Disaster Philanthropy.

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