Use these sample letters to help you advocate for accessible parking. If you need more information about your right to accessible parking, checkout DRNC’s Guide to Accessible Parking.

Sample Letter: Requesting Business to Improve Parking Lot


Name Business Owner/Property Manager
Business Name/Property Management Company

Dear Sir or Madam:

I write concerning the parking lot of [address, and name of local business or government service, program, or activity] and its compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

I am a person with a disability, in that [provide diagnosis or explain ways in which some major life activities are substantially limited]. It has been my experience that the parking lot at the location mentioned above is not accessible because [give details of violations, and location, date, and description of the problem, including details about previous issues].

The Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), in addition to the N.C. Building Code, provide for minimum requirements regarding accessible parking spaces in parking lots. To ensure accessibility of [business or government service/program/activity name], I respectfully request that you inspect your building’s parking lot and make the following improvements:

  • List what needs to be improved.

For more information about my rights and your responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act, including tax credits available to make these improvements, you can contact the Southeast ADA Center at 1-800-949-4232 or visit

Please reply to my request in writing within [ten (10) business days OR # of days listed in adopted grievance procedure]. If you have any questions about my request, please do not hesitate to contact me at (     )____-_____ .






Sample Letter: Requesting Local Inspector to Inspect Parking Lot of Building


Building Inspector
State/local government agency

Dear Sir or Madam:

I write concerning the parking lot of: address, and name of local business or government service, program, or activity] and its compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

I am a person with a disability, in that [provide diagnosis or explain ways in which some major life activities are substantially limited]. It has been my experience that the parking lot at the location mentioned above is not accessible because [give details of violations, and location, date, and description of the problem, including details about previous issues]. I have attempted to address my concerns with the property owner [give details of location, date, and description of conversations.]

The Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), in addition to the N.C. Building Code, provide for minimum requirements regarding accessible parking spaces in parking lots.

To ensure accessibility of [business or government service/program/activity name], I respectfully request that you inspect the building and parking lot referenced above, and enforce this violation of the ADAAG and N.C. Building Code to the fullest extent of your authority.

If you have any questions about my request you can contact me in writing or by phone. However, I would appreciate a written response to this request within two weeks of the date of this letter.








Sample Letter: Requesting an Assigned Parking Space as a Reasonable Accommodation from Your Employer



Mr. / Ms. ______ (Name of manager here)
Company Name

Dear Mr. / Ms. _______:

I have worked at ____________________________________________ (company name) as a ______________________________ (position or position in “_____ department” if appropriate) since ______________ (approximate date of hire).

I am experiencing the following difficulties because of my disability: ____________________________. I am writing to request that you provide me with an assigned parking space (state whether it needs to be an accessible space or where it needs to be located) because it will allow me to access my work area without experiencing the difficulty that I have been experiencing.

If you have alternative suggestions regarding reasonable accommodations, please share them with me so we can work together to find a workable and effective accommodation. I have a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, and I need this accommodation to continue successfully performing my job.

For more information about my rights and your responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act, including tax credits available for providing accommodations, you can contact the Job Accommodation Network at 1-800-526-7234, the Southeast ADA Center at 1-800-949-4232, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission at 1-800-669-4000. The Job Accommodation Network also provides examples of possible reasonable accommodations for different disabilities.

If you have any questions about my request you can contact me in writing or by phone. However, I would appreciate a written response to this request within two weeks of the date of this letter.







Sample Letter: Requesting an Assigned Parking Space as a Reasonable Accommodation from Your Landlord



Mr. / Ms. ______ (Landlord/Property Manager)
Company Name

Dear Mr. / Ms. _______:

I live at ___________________________________. I have a

disability that prevents me from____________________________________________.

I am requesting a reasonable accommodation of a designated, assigned parking space closer to my housing unit. I have attached verification from ___________________________ of my disability and the functional limitations I experience. I am asking for this accommodation so that I can have full use and enjoyment of my home.

If you have any questions about my request you can contact me in writing or by phone. However, I would appreciate a written response to this request within two weeks of the date of this letter.


_____________________ [Signature]
