Each year DRNC sends out a survey asking North Carolina’s disability community to tell us about the legal issues that are important to you. This year, we received responses from all 100 counties in North Carolina! 

DRNC extends our deepest gratitude to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to complete our annual survey. We especially appreciate the effort that went into the 373 individual responses to our open-ended questions. You generously shared your stories of struggle, challenge, and hope. You stressed the desperate needs for improvement and suggested how we could bring about change together. Your voice is powerful. DRNC is committed to using the information you provided to advocate for stronger protections, better access to services, and greater inclusion for all. We recognize the importance of raising public awareness about the realities of living with a disability and your feedback reinforces and inspires us to maintain our laser focus on fighting for the legal rights of disabled people in NC. 

What you shared with us matters.  We read each and every response. Systems change can take a long time, and we understand how frustrating it is to wait for help. Almost all of DRNC’s staff, board, and advisory council members are disabled and/or family members of disabled people. We know first-hand the challenges of living in a society rife with ableism and we are deeply committed to this work. 

Recent data shows that one in three North Carolinians identify as having a disability. Disability is not a fringe issue; in fact, most people throughout the course of their lifetime will experience disability. It is critical we keep educating legislators, other policy makers, and community members of where NC’s systems fall far short for the disability community. Together, we have power!   

DRNC is the only statewide organization in North Carolina dedicated to advancing and defending the legal rights of people with all types of disabilities, of all ages, across the entire state. As we move forward, we will keep you informed about the ways in which your feedback is being used to effect change. Please stay in touch with us! 

Read our summary of the target responses. DRNC 2025 Targets – Feedback Survey Results – DRNC (disabilityrightsnc.org)

Stay up to date with our work by signing up for our newsletter Sign up for E-News – DRNC (disabilityrightsnc.org) 

To learn more about DRNC, read this report we prepared for the  NC General Assembly about our work, and share with your family, friends and networks. Disability Rights NC: An Introduction – DRNC 

North Carolina has a new law that affects your ability to wear a mask in public. To measure its impact on people with disabilities, Disability Rights North Carolina (DRNC) is asking people to answer questions about their experience wearing a mask in public. We appreciate your participation and thank you for sharing your experiences with us.

Fill out our masking survey. DRNC Mask-Wearing Questionnaire – DRNC (disabilityrightsnc.org)