What are Targets?

DRNC does not have the resources to tackle all the issues facing people with disabilities. That is why we create Targets. Our Targets are the goals we will focus on during the year. They will guide our legal advocacy work. We ask people with disabilities to help us update these goals every year.

In addition to the work listed in our Targets, we monitor facilities to keep people safe, and provide information, referral and self-advocacy services. DRNC will always do this work, so it is not listed as a Target.

Why your feedback is important

Every year, DRNC asks the disability community and other stakeholders to tell us about legal issues that are important to people with disabilities. Your feedback helps us make informed decisions about our work. Between June 10 and August 5,  DRNC shared a survey asking what goals are most important to people in the disability community  and any other information you would like us to consider.

View 2023 Targets

View Targets Summary