Recent Guidance from NC Dept. of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children Division

If our school district transitions to virtual instruction, how should the school district handle the delivery of special education and related services?

The use of virtual platforms should be considered on a case-by-case basis for the delivery of special education and related services. If this delivery option is not appropriate for an individual, the school district should begin keeping a log of services that are not provided and the dates on which the service should have been provided. Once the state of emergency has passed, relevant members of the IEP Team should develop a compensatory education plan to address the services owed during the virtual instructional schedule.

Remember: If schools are closed for all students, compensatory education is not required for those dates. In this case, any required school make-up days will address missed instruction for all students.

Note: DRNC encourages parents to keep a log of services missed to increase the accuracy of record-keeping for calculating compensatory education hours.


Resources for School Closures and Learning at Home

For more information about special education during COVID-19, visit our Education Rights page.