Category: General

Objetivos de abogacía para 2025

Objetivos de abogacía para 2025: Lo que necesitas saber Este breve resumen describe cada uno de los…

Summary of DRNC’s 2025 Advocacy Targets

En espanol This quick summary describes each of DRNC’s 2025 advocacy Targets, explains why they are…

Resource list for education matters

Below is an alphabetical list of some of the advocacy organizations, attorneys and legal organizatio…

Resource list for education matters

Below is an alphabetical list of some of the advocacy organizations, attorneys and legal organizatio…

Denos su opinión sobre las metas de DRNC para 2025

In English Cada año, DRNC solicita a la comunidad de personas con impedimentos y a otras partes inte…

Give Feedback on DRNC’s 2025 Targets

En espanol Every year, DRNC asks the disability community and other stakeholders to fill out our sur…

DRNC’s 2025 Advocacy Targets

Objetivos de abogacía para 2025 What are Targets People with disabilities have a great need for lega…

Conference Session Feedback

DRNC, DHHS Message to Legislators

April 10, 2024 Dear Legislator, We are pleased to let you know that the North Carolina Department of…