Author: DRNC

Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) in Jail or Prison: Know Your Rights

In addition to being a treatable medical condition, OUD may also be considered a disability, and fed…

PRTFs: See What the State Knows

NC regulators investigate conditions in Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities. This video det…

PRTFs: What is a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility?

NC over-relies on these expensive institutions instead of investing in community-based care, which m…

Information about DRNC’s Motion to Modify Admission Cessation Date 

On May 30, 2023, DRNC filed a Motion to Modify a narrow provision in a judge’s November 2, 2022, rul…

2023 Disability Advocacy Conference Recap

Disability Rights North Carolina (DRNC) was thrilled with the reception and attendance at our annual…

Plenary Interview at the 2023 Disability Advocacy Conference

Did you miss our recent conference? Watch our video below of DRNC’s Virginia Knowlton Marcus intervi

Disability Advocacy Conference Evaluation

Fair Housing Act

Alexandra Southerland was only 6-years-old when she knew she wanted to become a lawyer. Her inspirat…