Alize Armstead headshot

Alize Armstead

Administrative Legal Assistant

Alize joined DRNC as an Administrative Legal Assistant in 2024. She received her bachelor’s degree from North Carolina Central University where she majored in Criminal Justice/Juvenile Justice. Prior to working at DRNC, Alize worked as an administrative clerk in the Eastern District of the United States Attorney’s Office, and as a program assistant at Durham Parks and Recreation where she trained new employees in organizational policies, including inclusivity, and led diverse community groups across a range of sports. She currently serves as a volunteer Guardian ad Litem in Durham County. Alize’s passion for helping others stems from witnessing the challenges faced by family members with disabilities navigating the legal system with limited support. She is a basketball enthusiast who bonded with her dad through the sport, a proud dog owner, and the oldest of five siblings.

Disability Rights NC

About Us

Disability Rights North Carolina is a legal advocacy organization that fights for the rights of people with disabilities in North Carolina.

What is a P&A?

After Willowbrook, congress made sure that every state has a Protective and Advocacy agency. DRNC is the federally mandated...

Our Team

All staff currently working for Disability Rights North Carolina, listed in alphabetical order, including titles and background info...

Board of Directors

DRNC’s Board of Directors is a diverse group of individuals who are passionate about the rights of people with disabilities. All or...

PAIMI Advisory Council

In 1986, Congress took significant action to stop abuse, neglect, and other rights violations against people with mental health disabil...


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