Indiana (Problem Solving Courts): TBI Screening

Yes: State or territory answered when contacted and confirmed either past, current or future projects plans in this area.

TBI Program, Study, or Pilot

Type: Study 2

Agency Providing the Funding: Administration for Community Living

Year Provided/Duration: 2014-2018

Funding Given To: Indiana Department of Corrections in partnership with Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana

System Group

Individuals on parole


Marion County Problem Solving Courts
(Crowley & Cash, 2016)


The over-riding purpose of this project was to determine if Resource Facilitation (RF) would reduce recidivism and improve return to work for ex-offenders with traumatic brain injury (TBI). The other primary goal was to promote awareness, training and education on TBI in the criminal justice system. (Hackett, Osterman, Parrott PhD, & Trexlar PhD, 2018)

What tool was used?

Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method (OSU TBI-ID)

When is screening done?

At the time of entry into the parole or community corrections district.

What happens after screening?

Indiana also used the Mayo Portland Assessment Inventory Participation Index to determine TBI-related disability for those who are determined to have a moderate or severe TBI.

(Crowley & Cash, 2016)

Who Conducted Screening?

Parole officers and PACE (a community social services organization) case managers conduct the screening. (Crowley & Cash, 2016)


Indiana is collecting information to compare those receiving services with regard to return to work compared to a control group who is not receiving the same level of services. The project is also working with service providers to modify their case management software to collect information regarding participation. (Crowley & Cash, 2016)

Indiana shares the results among the treatment team and are used for direct case planning and management. (Crowley & Cash, 2016)


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Information and Referrals

A portion of those individuals are referred to the Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services to receive a full Neuro-vocational Assessment. (Crowley & Cash, 2016)

In Indiana, the three sources referred to are: Indiana Department of Corrections Parole, Duvall Work Release Center of Marion County Community Corrections, and Marion County Mental Health Court/Substance Abuse and Veterans Courts. (Crowley & Cash, 2016)

Indiana’s, Resource Facilitation (RF) services are provided through a partnership between the Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana (RHI) and Pro-Active Criminal Enforcement (PACE), a social service agency that helps citizens with living independently in the community. There are two full-time RFs funded through the grant. One is employed by Pro-Active Criminal Enforcement (PACE) and the other is employed by Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana (RHI). Indiana resource facilitation services include referral to and coordination of basic needs services, needed medical care, employment preparation and job training services. (Crowley & Cash, 2016)


Introductory education modules on TBI in the criminal justice system, fact sheets about the effects of TBI were created. Indiana created a web-based training that Department of Corrections is requiring all personnel to complete and pass a test, which includes modules on Neurobehavioral Problems, Emotional Problems after Brain Injury, Cognition, and Agitation.  (Crowley & Cash, 2016)

Indiana’s project goal was to provide education and training to correctional staff and primary health care providers (primarily safety net providers) with the goal of increasing their knowledge and awareness on the issue and effective ways to communicate and treat people impacted by TBI. A presentation was to be provided at the Indiana Addictions Recovery Month Symposium in September 2016 and the Marion County Reentry Coalition Annual Conference in October 2016.  (Crowley & Cash, 2016)

“The evidence for the efficacy and effectiveness for Resource Facilitation (RF) to improve return to work after brain injury has been well established through previous HRSA grants. The evidence for the effectiveness of Resource Facilitation (RF) to prevent recidivism attained through the present grant is very preliminary, but promising. We have several initiatives to sustain this work.” (Hackett, Osterman, Parrott PhD, & Trexlar PhD, 2018)

Yes. They developed a leadership board comprised of stakeholders which convened monthly to review progress and to identify opportunities to strengthen the partnership. (Crowley & Cash, 2016)

Information acquired through online published reports from the Indiana Department of Corrections in partnership with the Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana (RHI).

Indiana measures impact through the core evaluation metrics of return to work and recidivism. They also track service engagement through case management software called Efforts to Outcomes (ETO). (Crowley & Cash, 2016)


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