TBI Program, Study, or Pilot
Type: Study 1
Agency Providing the Funding: N/A
Year Provided/Duration: Study conducted from 2012-2014
Funding Given To: N/A
Population (Juvenile Justice, Criminal Justice, Parole, Probation, Jail, Prison, etc.,)
System Group
Adult Males
Screenings were done across Indiana state prison system. Study focused on subsample released by June 2014 to in Marion County.
(Ray & Richardson, 2017)
The present research sought to advance the TBI crime literature by providing the first study to prospectively examine whether inmates with TBI are more likely to be rearrested post release than those without TBI. They used the OSU-TBI-ID—a well-established and validated instrument—to measure the presence of TBI among a cohort of male inmates and link this to follow-up data to assess rearrest post release. This study examines an equally important question regarding barriers to prisoners reentering their community, which is the association between TBI and subsequent involvement in the criminal justice system. (Ray & Richardson, 2017)
Screening Tool Used
What tool was used?
Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method (OSU TBI-ID)
When is screening done?
Instrument was used on all incoming male inmates in Indiana for approximately 1 month in 2012. Inmates were screed at the Reception Diagnostic Center prior to incarceration. (Ray & Richardson, 2017)
What happens after screening?
Based on screening result information, inmates are then placed into one of several Indiana Department of Corrections (hereafter IDOC) facilities. (Ray & Richardson, 2017)
Who Conducted Screening?
Intake specialists.
Data Collection
In this study, they examine data from a subsample of 155 who were released to Marion County (Indianapolis), Indiana, within 18 months (June 2014) following the intake survey.
“Indiana does not have a statewide jail database system so we were only able to capture reliable jail data from Marion County; therefore, for this subsample, we collected prior and follow-up data on all arrests that resulted in jail in Marion County. After listwise deletion of missing cases, our final sample included 151 inmates.” (Ray & Richardson, 2017)
Report findings were extensive and cannot be added as PDF’s to our site. Please submit a request at the link above and we will send the report(s) via email within 24-48 business hours.
(Ray & Richardson, 2017)
Community Resources
Information and Referrals
“Although the results of this study suggest a link between TBI and rearrest following incarceration, perhaps more importantly it highlights both the need and manner by which criminal justice institutions can screen for the presence of TBI. Once inmates are identified, they can be placed into programs that address their individual needs and develop proper intervention strategies. If inmates get the appropriate treatment for brain injuries while incarcerated, they may be less likely to engage in criminal behavior after release. Moreover, detecting TBI as early as possible in the criminal justice process could reduce the burden of TBI on initial and repeat offending.” (Ray & Richardson, 2017)
All intake specialists were trained on how to administer the short version of the Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method (OSU TBI-ID). (Ray & Richardson, 2017)
Agency Contact Information
Brain Injury Association of Indiana
Not available
Phone Number
Not available
Advisory Board
How was this information acquired?
Information was acquired through online study report published online through Research Gate.
References: For more information on this states work, please see references
Ray, B., & Richardson, N. (2017). Traumatic brain injury and recidivism among returning inmates. International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology, 20(10), 1-15. DOI: 10.1177/0093854816686631
Notes: Additional mentions from state leads/representatives
Indiana incorporated the Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method (OSU TBI-ID) into the electronic IDOC intake data collection system from November 5, 2012, to December 3, 2012, in an attempt to determine the overall rate of TBI among 831 male inmates. (Ray & Richardson, 2017)