TBI Program, Study, or Pilot
Type: Study
Agency Providing the Funding: Information Unavailable
Year Provided/Duration: Information Unavailable
Funding Given To: Information Unavailable
Population (Juvenile Justice, Criminal Justice, Parole, Probation, Jail, Prison, etc.,)
System Group
Women and Men from 6 Federal Prison Facilities in 3 geographic regions
Federal Prison
To assess the reliability and validity of the Traumatic Brain Injury Questionnaire (TBIQ) for assessing history of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in an offender population. (Diamond, PhD, Harzke, DrPH, Magaletta, PhD, Cummins, MA, & Frankowski, 2007)
Screening Tool Used
What tool was used?
Traumatic Brain Injury Questionnaire (TBIQ)
Additional tools were used:
- Neurobehavioral Rating Scale – Revised (NRS-R),
- Barratt Impulsiveness Scale,
- Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D),
- Psychology Services Inmate Questionnaire (PSIQ),
- Neuropsychological Dysfunction Scale (NDS),
- Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire-Short Form (BPAD-Q-SF),
- Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI)
(Diamond, PhD, Harzke, DrPH, Magaletta, PhD, Cummins, MA, & Frankowski, 2007)
When is screening done?
Information Unavailable
What happens after screening?
Who Conducted Screening?
Trained Research Assistants
Data Collection
Information on method to track data unavailable.
Preliminary results indicated good test-retest reliability for lifetime history of head injury, good internal consistency for symptom severity and frequency scales, and good criterion validity for frequency of head injury and frequency and severity of symptoms. (Diamond, PhD, Harzke, DrPH, Magaletta, PhD, Cummins, MA, & Frankowski, 2007)
Report findings were extensive and cannot be added as PDF’s to our site. Please submit a request at the link above and we will send the report(s) via email within 24-48 business hours.
Community Resources
Information and Referrals
Successful implementation of any screening initiative would first require the establishment of relevant training programs within correctional systems to sensitize all staff at all levels to the needs of those with TBI and alert them to the potential behavioral and cognitive consequences of these injuries to ensure more appropriate care. (Diamond, PhD, Harzke, DrPH, Magaletta, PhD, Cummins, MA, & Frankowski, 2007)
Agency Contact Information
Phone Number
Advisory Board
How was this information acquired?
Information was acquired through online published study.
References: For more information on this states work, please see references
Diamond, PhD, P., Harzke, DrPH, A., Magaletta, PhD, P., Cummins, MA, G., & Frankowski, R. (2007). Screening for Traumatic Brain Injury in an Offender Sample: A First Look at the Reliability and Validity of the Traumatic Brain Injury Questionnaire. Journal for Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 22(6), 330-338.
Notes: Additional mentions from state leads/representatives
State was contacted and no response was received.