Use this transition planning checklist if your transition goals include higher education.

Transition planning checklist

Age 14

Students with an IEP

  • The IEP must include a statement about your goals for education, employment, and living arrangements after high school. If you want to go to college or pursue vocational training, identify the goal in the IEP. 

All students: 

Age 16

Students with an IEP:

  • The IEP must include “transition services” that are meant to help you reach the goals set for after high school. 

All students:  

  • If you are not already receiving pre-employment transition services, services should begin to prepare the student for college or employment after high school. 
  • Students who need more individualized transition services should apply for EIPD services and invite VR to attend their IEP meetings. 

During College Visits and Tours

  • Ask the tour guide about accessibility of the campus or for a referral to a staff member who knows about accessibility.  
  • Visit the disability services office. Request information about accommodation and academic adjustment policies.  
  • Some colleges have student organizations of students with disabilities. Meet with one of the students to get the scoop on what it is really like to be a student with a disability at this school. 

Last Year of High School

  • Contact EIPD if you are facing barriers to attending college or obtaining employment, if you have not already done so. EIPD can develop an individualized plan for employment and help pay for college or vocational training, assistive technology, transportation, etc. 
  • Request a copy of your most recent IEP or Section 504 plan and any evaluations. 

After College Enrollment

  • Begin the reasonable accommodation process.  
  • Immediately follow up with disability services if you are having any problems with accommodations or academic adjustments.  Meet with disability services at least once a semester to check in.