Category: Recent Posts

Thank You!

Each year DRNC sends out a survey asking North Carolina’s disability community to tell us about the…

DRNC 2025 Targets – Feedback Survey Results

Download FY25 Target Community Feedback In what county do you live? DRNC received 522 responses to o…

Disability Rights NC, Gaston County Public Health Host Inclusive Community Event “Walk & Roll Together, Gaston” Back for Third Year

GASTONIA, NC — Disability Rights North Carolina and Gaston County Public Health are proud to announc…

Statement on the Murder of Sonya Massey

On July 6, Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman with a mental health disability, was fatally shot…

HUD Complaint Generator

Disability Rights Texas recently launched an easy-to-use new tool on their website that lets people…

Share Your Story: Substance Use Disorder and Healthcare

We want to hear your story Discrimination in healthcare against people who use substances takes many…

Transition to Tailored Plans: What Families and Advocates Need to Know

Don’t miss our recent webinar hosted with CLT Center for Legal Advocacy and NHeLP on Tailored…

Supreme Court ruling another legally-administered blow to nation’s most vulnerable

DRNC statement on Grant Pass decision Earlier this year, Disability Rights North Carolina released a…

25 Years After Olmstead, the Fight for Disability Rights Presses On

A message from DRNC CEO Virginia Knowlton Marcus Twenty-five years ago today, the U.S. Supreme Cour…