Use this template to help you write a referral letter to the principal and EC director of your child’s school. A referral letter is a request, asking the school to evaluate the child for an IEP. This sample letter is from a parent, but school employees working with the child can also make the referral. Always be sure to make all requests in writing and include the date in your letter. This date is important because it determines the start of the 90 day timeline.

View more information on the IEP referral process.

Sample Letter from Parent Asking School to Evaluate Child for an IEP

 Date [very important to include the date!]  

Principal _________ 
__________ School
School Address 
Name of Town, NC Zip code 
[or principal’s email address if sending by email]  

Exceptional Children’s Director ____________ 
__________ County Schools 
Superintendent’s Office Address 
Name of Town, NC Zip code 
[or EC Director’s address if sending by email]  

Regarding Request for Evaluation for IEP under IDEA for __________________________[Student’s Name]    

Dear Principal _______ and EC Director __________:     

I am writing about my child ____________________ who is in the ____ grade at your school.   _____________’ s date of birth is ________________.      

 ________ is having significant trouble in school with _____________.  ____________ needs help with __________.       

I believe that my child may have a disability. I am requesting that the school evaluate my child for an IEP under IDEA.     

I understand that the school has 90 calendar days from the date of this letter to evaluate my child, and if my child is found eligible, create my child’s IEP. I understand that as the parent I am a member of the IEP team and will be involved in making decisions about my child’s IEP.      

I also understand that the IEP team will need to meet soon so that we can complete the Special Education Referral and Informed Consent for Evaluation forms. Please call me at __________ or email me at ____________ to set the meeting time.   

Thank you for your time.    



    Parent’s Name