Sample letter to request accommodation / academic adjustment during college

Dear Disability Services:

I am a student with a disability. I need accommodations and academic adjustments to have full access to my education. Specifically, my disability limits me in ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (taking notes, writing, concentrating, hearing, seeing, etc.). In the past, these challenges have been accommodated with ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (note taker, smart pen, CART system, interpreter, etc.).

So that you may better understand my disability-related academic needs, I am providing you with copies of my most recent IEP and/or Section 504 plan and evaluations from high school. I’ve also attached records from ____________________.

In addition, I will be living in on-campus, student housing. I need accommodations for my disability in my housing. Specifically, I need _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(permission to have a service animal in my room, a room located near the exit, a room located near a bathroom, permission to have an aide present in my room to assist with bathing and dressing, etc.).

Please contact me so we can set up a meeting to discuss my request for accommodations and academic adjustments. I can be contacted by phone at ____________, or by e-mail at ____________.  I look forward to hearing from you soon!



(your name)


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