Order Protects Incarcerated People
- June 16, 2020
Court orders immediate action to protect people incarcerated in NC prisons from COVID-19 Today, in a…
Court orders immediate action to protect people incarcerated in NC prisons from COVID-19 Today, in a…
COVID-19 poses specific challenges to people with disabilities living in the community, whether they…
DRNC is working to make sure that people with disabilities who live in facilities* stay safe and tha…
The COVID-19 crisis has prompted hospitals to change some of their policies and practices. For insta…
As COVID-19 continues to spread, people with disabilities do not always have access to fair medical…
Resources for Students with Disabilities during COVID-19 Remote IEP Meetings: Tips for Parents Fact…
Recent Guidance from NC Dept. of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children Division If our school dis…
Link to Updates and Resources on COVID-19 (coronavirus) Dear Fellow North Carolinians, Disability Ri…