Important Dates:

  • October 9: Voter Registration Deadline
  • October 15-31: Early Voting Period. Same Day Registration Period – Register to Vote and Vote all in one stop.
  • October 27: Deadline to Request Absentee Ballot
  • November 3: Election Day. Submit your Ballot by 5 pm

Did you know?

1 in 4 people have a disability.

Make your voice heard.

If people with disabilities voted at the same rate as people without, there would be 2.35 million more voters.
Learn More.

Challenges to Voting

People with disabilities face significant barriers in voting.

Not Registered to Vote?

It’s not too late. Same day registration will be available Oct. 15-31 at Early Voting Sites. Register to vote and then place your vote all in one stop. Find your early voting site.

Voting Resources

You have the right to accessible voting. You can vote even if you have a guardian. Call DRNC at 888-WeVote-2 if you have any trouble at the polls.


Make your Voice Heard

If people with disabilities voted at the same rate as people without, there would be 2.35 million more voters.